Saturday, April 5, 2008


When you use upper cases when writing posts on online forums, blogs or even messages in instant messengers, it is interpreted as an equivalent of a shout or that person is actually shouting at you. So do you think that it was a good move on Sony's part to have PLAYSTATION 3 as the official spelling for their new console?

Reports have it that Sony is getting a little concerned that most are writing the console's name as "Playstation" as opposed to "PlayStation" so they came up with this solution of just having everything in upper case. While browsing through the official site, only the PLAYSTATION 3 experienced spelling changes, because PlayStation 2 is still as it is. Well maybe it's their sublime way of telling us that their next-gen console is really something BIG. Sony should worry not - we already do and come November we'll give you first hand dibs on how BIG and powerful this piece of hardware heaven really is.