Wednesday, June 4, 2008

East Nusa Tenggara

East Nusa Tenggara

The province consist over 550 islands, but its dominated bythe three main islands Flores, Sumba, and Timor. The arid landscape of eastern and southeastern Nusa Tenggara is the result of hot, dry winds blasting in form the Australian continent. In fact, in many coastal areas not a drop of rain falls during the most of the year. Flores is a Pourtuguese name which means “flower”, and ideally described the beauty to be found here. These long island between Sumbawa and Timor is crowded with volcanoes and mountains, dividing it into several regions with distinct languages and traditions. Predominantly Catholic and heavily influenced by the Pourtuguese, there are many examples of a strong European cultural heritage, like the Easter procession held in Larantuka, and the ro¬yal regalia of the former king in Maumere. Formerly known as Sandal wood Island, Sumba is now famous for its horses and it superb style for ikat cloth. West Sumba is famous for its enormous megalithic tombs and traditional thatched and peaked huts raised on stilts. Timor is the principal island in the province in terms of population and it is here that the provincial capital of Kupang is located.

Tourist Office:

Jl. Raya El Tari 2 No. 72 Kupang 85118 Telp. (0380) 833104, 833650
Fax. (0380) 821540,

Getting there:

Kupang as the provincial capital serves as the gate from Darwin (Australia) twice a week. Regular shuttle flights from Bali, Makassar and Surabaya provide excellent transportation links. There are PELNI ships calling at Nusa Tenggara Timur regularly sails from Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Biak etc VV

Tourism Events=]

Pasola Jousting Ceremony in Sumba Island East Nusa Tenggara. “Pasola” is west Sumba’s most exciting ritual. Scores of colorfully arrayed horsemen riding bare back, battle with lances. During these mock wars, riders charge one another flinging blunt spears. The ceremony is held during February in the Lamboya and Kodi Villages and March in Gaura and Wanokaka. It’s begins several day after the full moon and coincides with the yearly arrival of strange multihued sea worms of the region’s shore. This event will be held on February 2008

Places of Interest


Kupang. The provincial capital of East Nusa Tenggara in western Timor is the center of government, business, trade, and education. The only sandalwood oil factory in Indonesia is located in this town. Kupang also the spot for international game fishing every October.


Camplong. A lovely community about 45 km from Kupang with regular market days and a natural swimming pool, where local people bathe, do their laundry, and socialize as they have for thousands of years. Camplong is also a forest reserve protecting rare animals such as “Cervus timorensis” deer and several species of parrots and monkeys.


Maumere. A port town on the northeastern coast of Flores is a good place to stopover on the way to Ende or to Larantuka. It is well connected by air with Kupang, Denpasar and Ujung Pandang, and is noted for its good beaches. The bay of Maumere is considered the best diving spot in Flores, a paradise for divers, underwater photo¬graphers, and anyone interested in marine biology. Ledalero museum on the outskirts of Maumere has an interesting collection of ethnological objects from the region. Visitors are welcome but advance arrangements should be made. Ledalero is also home to a major Catholic Seminary where many Florinese priests are trained.


Ende. This town contains the home-in-exile of the first Indonesian president Soe¬karno during the early period of nationalist movements in 1936. The house has been repaired and is today a museum.

Semau Island.

Semau Island. Thirty minutes by boat from Kupang, this untainted island paradise is well worth a stopover. The surrounding crystal-clear waters offer exceptional snorkeling and swimming. Bamboo bungalows are available on the white sandy beach, and you can barbeque your freshly-caught dinner while enjoying a spectacular sunset.

Mt. Kelimutu.

Mt. Kelimutu. East Nusa Tenggara’s most-visited natural wonder and one of Indonesia’a most mysterious and dramatic sights, is found on top of this mountain, some 66 km from Ende, or 83 km from Maumere. The spectacular view of its three crater lakes, each with a distinct color, is not only a major tourist attraction, but the stuff of myth and legends. The lakes have continuously changed their colors over the years: today the largest is light turquoise, the next olive green and the third black. The local people believe that the souls of young people go to the first when they die, the old to the second, and the black lake is reserved for thieves and murderers.


Larantuka. A little port nestled at the base of a tall hill at the eastern end of Flores; Larantuka has a strong Portuguese cultural heritage. The annual Easter Procession held in this town is well worth the trip if you are here at this time of the year.

Lamalera Whale Hunting

Lamalera Whale Hunting. Lamalera on Lembata Island is a whaling village. The months of May to September are the whale hunting season for the people of Lamalera. Using simple traditional tools as small row boats and hand-thrown harpoons, the hunters sail out to hunt these giant creatures of the sea. The catch is either consumed or sold.


Waikabubak. An archaic little town in Western Sumba, full of old graves carved in motifs of buffalo-horns, horses, nude men and women. There are several megalithic tombs. The fronts of many traditional houses are decorated with huge water buffalo horns from the animals sacrificed du-ring rituals of years gone by. Tarung village, an important ceremonial center, is located on top of a hill just a half kilometre to the west of Waikabubak.


Anakalang is the site of the “Purung Takadonga Ratu”, an important mass mariage festival held every two years, on a date determinated by the full moon.

Komodo Island.

Komodo Island. A small island of 280 square km, Komodo is located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. It is famous for its giant pre-historic lizards, considered the last of their kind remaining in the world today. Called “ora” by the local people, Komodo “dragon” (Varanus Komodoensis) is actually a giant monitor lizard. Growing up to 3 to 4 meters in length, its ancestors roamed the earth up to about half a million years ago. The only human population on the island is at the fishing village called Komodo who suppiment their income breeding goats which are used to feed the li¬zards. The Komodo is protected by law and although they are considered harmless, it is advisable to keep them at a distance. Komodo Island is now a nature reserve, home to a number of rare bird species, deer, and wild pigs, which are prey to the lizards as well. This island can be reached by boat from Labuan Bajo.

Rote Island

Rote Island is a part of Kupang Regency in the west coast of Kupang. Rote has many historical relieves including fine unique Chinese porcelains as well as ancient arts are traditions. Rote Island also famous for its “Sasando” a traditional harpa which is made of palm leaves.

Nemberela Beach

Nemberela Beach is the most beautiful beach and ideal for surfing. Surfers from all over the world come here to try the rough surf from June to October. It is located at the South West part of Rote Island.


Labuanbajo A little fishing town at the extreme western part of Flores, this town serves as a jumping-off point for the trip to Komodo Island. It is a beautiful area for water skiing; wind Surfing, fishing, and many other marine activities.

Taman Ayun Hindu Temple

Taman Ayun Hindu Temple
Badung District - Bali - Indonesia
Taman Ayun Hindu Temple
Taman Ayun Hindu Temple in Mengwi Village, Mengwi Sub-district, in the district of Badung
Rating : Rating 1 1 (1 vote(s))

A. Brief Information

Taman Ayun Hindu Temple in Badung District was built in 1634 A.D. by the king of Mengwi Kingdom, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Made Agung titled Ida Cokorda Sakti Belambangan. The Mengwi Kingdom was one of the most powerful kingdoms in Bali at the time until 1891 A.D. Built as worship place for royal family and their relatives, the building uses Gunung Batukau architecture rather than Gunung Agung architecture that was commonly applied at most of Indonesian Hindu temples.

“Taman Ayun” means beautiful garden. It is on a tableland of four ha wide surrounded by ponds. Viewing from afar, it seems floating above the water. Surrounded by leafy trees and colourful flower garden, the complex of Taman Ayun Hindu Temple offers a magnificent view.

Comprising three buildings, it is usually visited by more and less 300 – 600 tourists, either domestic or foreign tourists, in a year. The first building is an opened space for any kinds of religious event and art performances. Here, you can watch a sumptuous meru (pagoda which has multi-roofed structure, typical of Balinese Hindu Temple). The second building is the main building named Bale Pelik which is fully decorated with artistic carving, relief and a wonderful statue of Deity Nawa Sanga. The innermost buildings in the complex are the sacred buildings of Hindu people that are dedicated to god and goddess of Hindu.

B. Distinctive Features

Taman Ayun Hindu Temple had ever been recommended as a valuable world heritage. On March 12th 2008, the Director of UNESCO, Kokhiro Masura visited the location to check directly, whether it is proper to achieve the status as above. He argued that this Hindu temple is proper to get such status. Now, this 400 years old Hindu temple is still used as worship place by Hindu people.

The properties of the Mengwi Kingdom can still be found nearby the location, about 300 meters from the location. The Museum of Manusa Yadnya is also located nearby Taman Ayun Hindu Temple. The museum displays some ceremonies relating to human‘s life circle starting from birth to death.

C. Location

Taman Ayun Hindu Temple Mengwi Village, Mengwi Sub-district, in the district of Badung, Bali Province, Indonesia.

D. Access

It is about 18 km away from Denpasar City to Mengwi Village. You can reach the location by public transports passing by route Denpasar - Singaraja or Denpasar - Bedugul for approximately 25 minutes. After being on the crossroad of Mengwi Village, you must continue the trip by walk to the location around 250 meters. It is opened for public at 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.

E. Ticket Price

IDR 4.100 for adult and IDR 2.100 for children (per March 2008).

F. Accommodation and other Facilities

In Badung District, you can easily find hotels and restaurants for more comfortable visit to Taman Ayun Hindu Temple.


Credit Photo: - imappi2

The Museum of Le Mayeur

The Museum of Le Mayeur
Denpasar City - Bali - Indonesia
The Museum of Le Mayeur
The Museum of Le Mayeur
Rating : Rating 0 0 (0 vote(s))

A. Brief Information

Born in Brussels, Belgium on February 9th 1880 in a high-class family, Adrian-Jean Le Mayeur got his painting talent from his parents. His latest education in architecture was achieved at Libre University. Forbidden by his father when attempted to develop his talent, he decided to leave his family by hanging around the world to seek for a right place for his talent improvement.

Le Mayeur arrived at Bali in 1932 in Singaraja City then continued a journey to Denpasar City before decided to stay in Sanur Beach. In the beginning, he just wanted to set an eight-month visit to Bali, after knowing the charm of Sanur Beach and beautiful girls of surrounding location, splashed in his mind to build a home and painting workshop in the location. A famous legong dancer named Ni Nyoman Pollok drew his heart to marry her when she became his painting model.

Unfortunately, this couple did not have any son until the end of their life. In fact, Ni Pollok was eager to have son but Le Mayeur denied it considering that she was his painting model. Le Mayeur was afraid of Ni Pollok‘s pregnancy would make her body was not beautiful anymore.

Their home and painting workshop were later on dedicated to government to be functioned as museum by his testament written in 1957. Finally, their home and painting workshop are given a name Le Mayeur Museum.

B. Distinctive Features

Le Mayeur is famous as impressionist and naturalist painter. Moreover, he also had tendency to paint the beauty of Balinese girls. Inside the museum, you can watch his works and historical properties such as chair, carved table, bed, wardrobe, ceramic vase, silver alliances, earthenware, and some sculptures.

At least there are 88 work arts of Le Mayeur from 1921 to 1957 showing his impressionist style. Besides using canvas, he also used other mediums for painting such as hardboard, three-ply, paper, and gunnysack. The last one was used by him remembering the difficulty of getting canvas from Belgium, so he decided to use it on the era of Japanese colonialism.

C. Location

Le Mayeur Museum is situated in Sanur Village, Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia.

D. Access

From the centre of Denpasar City, you can access the location by any public transportation like Indian taxi. Those Indian taxi will take you to the end of Hang Tuah Street then continue to the destination around 70 km away.

The museum is opened for public at 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. for Saturday to Thursday. On Friday, open from 8 to 12.30 a.m. On holidays, the museum is closed.

E. Ticket Price

IDR 2.000 for adult and IDR 1.000 for children. For group, more than 10 people, adult visitors only pay IDR 1.000 and IDR 500 for children.

F. Accommodation and other Facilities

Typical foods of Bali Island can be easily found along the coast of Sanur Beach for you who are eager to taste it. Completing your visit, you can buy souvenirs around the location with reasonable price.


Credit Photo: - Abdul Manan

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Naruto #04

Naruto #04
by Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto #04 Cover

Available at:
Beaverton, Burnside

Product Details

Kishimoto, Masashi
Viz Media
Kishimoto, Masashi
Kishimoto, Masashi
Comics & Graphic Novels
Graphic Novels - Manga
Comic books, strips, etc.
Graphic Novels
Manga - General
Martial arts
Edition Number:
Edition Description:
Series Volume:
Publication Date:
July 2004
Grade Level:
Young adult
7.44x5.50x.61 in. .42 lbs.
Age Level:

Naruto #03

Naruto #03
by Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto #03 Cover

Only 2 left in stock at $4.95!
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Synopses & Reviews


While they recover from their injuries, Kakashi puts Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura on a strict training regimen to protect Tazuna's family against Zabuza's and his dangerous new apprentice.

Product Details

Kishimoto, Masashi
Viz Media
Kishimoto, Masashi
Kishimoto, Masashi
Comic books, strips, etc.
Graphic Novels
Comics & Graphic Novels
Graphic Novels - General
Graphic Novels - Manga
Manga - General
Martial arts
Edition Number:
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Series Volume:
Publication Date:
March 2004
Grade Level:
Young adult
Age Level:
Naruto #02: The Worst Client
by Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto #02: The Worst Client Cover

Only 2 left in stock at $4.95!
Available at:

Synopses & Reviews

Publisher Comments:

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura have passed the final test to become junior ninja--but now the real challenge begins. Tired of finding stray cats and doing day care, the young ninja ask for a tougher assignment, and find themselves--together with their teacher, Kakashi--bodyguarding a cranky bridge builder from the faraway Land of the Waves. But Tazuna the bridgebuilder is in more danger than anyone realizes: he's the target of elite ninja assassins, including Zabuza, "the demon." And to even have a chance of defeating Zabuza, Kakashi will have to use the secret power concealed in his always-hidden left eye... In another world, ninja are the ultimate power--and in the village of Konohagakure live the stealthiest ninja in the world. But twelve years ago Konohagakure was attacked by a fearsome threat--a nine-tailed fox demon which claimed the life of the Hokage, the village champion. Today, peace has returned, and a troublemaking orphan named Uzumaki Naruto is struggling to graduate from the Ninja Academy. His goal: to become the next Hokage. But unknown to Naruto and his classmates, within him is a terrifying force...


Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura have passed the final test to become junior ninja, and now they want a tougher assignment than daycare. But their new role as bodyguards for the cranky bridge-builder Tazuna, who has super-powerful enemies that include the most lethal of the Mist Ninjas, may be more than they bargained for.

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halodude5, May 6, 2007 (view all comments by halodude5)
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Product Details

Volume 2
Kishimoto, Masashi
Kishimoto, Masashi
Viz Media
San Francisco, CA
Comic books, strips, etc.
Children's 12-Up - Fiction - Fantasy
Graphic Novels
Comics & Graphic Novels
Graphic Novels - General
Graphic Novels - Manga
Comics & Graphic Novels - Manga
Manga - General
Martial arts
Edition Number:
Edition Description:
Series Volume:
Publication Date:
December 2003
Grade Level:
Young adult
, Y
7.50x5.00x.74 in. .47 lbs.
Age Level:

Naruto #01

Naruto #01
by Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto #01 Cover

Only 2 left in stock at $4.95!
Available at:

Synopses & Reviews

Publisher Comments:

Growing up in a village of ninja, Uzumaki Naruto had no idea he was shunned because inside him was the spirit of the demon fox who destroyed their village over a decade ago! When his corrupt teacher Mizuki tricks him into stealing a secret scroll, Naruto learns the truth. But he's still determined to be the greatest ninja ever. But is determination enough against his powerful enemies and the forces inside him? Naruto must pass the difficult test to enter the Ninja Academy; deal with his rival, Konohamaru; and learn to get along with his new classmates, Sasuke and Sakura. Assigned to a three-person team, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura must survive a brutal test against their upper-level ninja instructor, Kakashi. Only two can pass — will Naruto be one of them?


DescriptionHe must pass test to enter the Ninja Academy; deal with his would-be rival, Konohamaru; and learn to get along with his new classmates, Sasuke and Sakura. Assigned to a three-person team, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura must survive a test against an upper-level ninja instructor: the deceptively


Author Masashi Kishimoto made his debut in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1999 with Naruto, which won the Hop Step Award. Naruto must pass the difficult test to enter the Ninja Academy; deal with his rival, Konohamaru; and learn to get along with his new classmates, Sasuke and Sakura. Assigned to a three-person team, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura must survive a brutal test against their upper-level ninja instructor, Kakashi. Only two can pass ? will Naruto be one of them?

Xbox cheaters get major smackdown

Video game cheating comes in many forms, the most notorious of which involves people who use dirty tricks to make themselves more effective (or invincible) in multiplayer combat games. The solution for people caught engaging in this form of cheating has long been permanent cancellation of the account and a lifetime of shame... at least until he or she gets a new account, that is.

But with the rise of Gamerscore and Achievements on Xbox Live, a new form of cheating has become popular: people who manipulate their save files and account information to artificially boost their Gamerscore by unlocking Achievements they didn't actually earn. Of course, neither Gamerscore nor Achievement unlocking will help you actually play a game better—both serve as mere bragging rights... and so they have become something that cheaters have begun to manipulate relentlessly.

Better watch out, says Xbox Live's Major Nelson, the well-known public face of Microsoft when it comes to all things Xbox. Starting today, Xbox is punishing Gamerscore cheaters with some pretty heavy penalties. If you've used a cheat on your account, better check it out to see if you've been affected. How will you know?

Well, your Gamerscore will be reset to zero. You won't be able to regain any Achievement you previously unlocked (legitimately or otherwise), though you will be able to gain new Achievements. And your account will be permanently labeled as a cheater account (see blurry pic above for an example). At least you still get to keep your account.

There you have it. It's like your mom always told you: Cheaters never win, and... well, you know the rest.

Xbox 360 vs. PS3 Face-Off: Round Nine

Article by Richard Leadbetter

Welcome back to our ongoing critical analysis of the latest in cross-platform game development, as we take a look at another batch of games released on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Recent skirmishes between the rival formats reveal that the Microsoft console still has a significant, quantifiable edge in terms of multi-format gaming quality, but in line with its improving sales figures, PlayStation 3 is gradually closing the gap.

For those of you who've somehow managed to avoid the last nine face-off features we've put together over the course of the last year, the basic objective of this coverage is remarkably straightforward - to provide console-specific commentary that supplements the existing Eurogamer reviews, with an emphasis on gameplay and technical differences.

The usual testing methodology is in place - the games are tested side-by-side, their video outputs losslessly captured in full 24-bit RGB precision via the HDMI ports of our PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Elite, using a Digital Foundry HD capture system. With every single frame recorded and stored on an unfeasibly large array of hard disks, we can then pick and choose the exact same shots from each game for inclusion in our comparison galleries.

Onto this feature's gaming roster then, complete with its own range of discussion points and controversies: the first multi-format outing for Capcom's cross-format game engine, Bizarre Creations' first PS3 release, an Unreal Engine title that isn't the same on both platforms and - unbelievably - a bona fide, true 1080p game.

PS3 Firmware Update Enhances Blu-ray Capabilities

The game console update will support Blu-ray Disc Profile 2.0, or BD-Live.

(Updated 3/24/08)

Sony announced last week it plans to release new firmware for its PlayStation 3 video game console. The new update will expose new capabilities in the PS3's Blu-ray Disc player.

The free update for PS3 users in North America was to be posted by the weekend.

Blu-ray Disc is the heir apparent to the crown of high-definition optical media formats. The format battled against HD DVD, which manufacturer Toshiba recently discontinued.

The updated firmware enables Blu-ray Disc Profile 2.0, or BD-Live, to be supported on the PS3. BD-Live enables Blu-ray Disc makers to incorporate additional interactive features including downloadable video content, ringtones, games and more.

You can also transfer music and photo playlists from the PS3 to the PSP and use the PSP as a remote control for music playback using "Remote Play." DivX and WMV playback functionality has been improved, along with new Internet browser settings and additional AV settings.

New features expected to be exposed in the future include "Portable Copy," which will enable PS3 users to copy a standard-definition version of the Blu-ray movie to a PlayStation Portable (PSP).

80GB PS3 planned for the UK this summer?

Retailers have told CVG that they expect the 80GB PS3 - currently out in the US - to hit UK stores by the end of the summer.

UK cash and carry superstore chain, Costco, told a CVG reader that it was clearing out its supply of 40GB PS3 units in preparation for the arrival of the 80GB consoles some time soon. But it's not the only retailer expecting the bigger console in the near future.

A HMV staffer told us that, although he had been given no confirmed release date by the retailer, he expects the 80GB console will "very likely" hit the UK soon, especially considering the 40GB PS3's inability to play PS2 games. The 80GB model in the US does include the functionally to play PS2 games.

PS3 customer services offered a similar answer, saying that its head office hadn't yet sent word of an 80GB UK release, but went on to add that it "may come soon", although there was no set date. The advice was "keep an eye on the PlayStation website." We could imagine the person on the other end of the phone winking while saying it.

One London indie games store, who wished to remain anonymous, even went so far as to say the 80GB SKU was on the way this summer. Before you get too excited though we've heard some dodgy stuff from indie stores before like, "Yeah, get Beowolf, it's great."

We dropped Sony a call only to get the official line of: "There's no official word on an 80GB PS3 coming to the UK". Not an outright denial though.

Speculation of a 120GB console was rife when SCE UK boss David Reeves said that he thought a 20GB increase (over the 60GB SKU) was too small, suggesting that doubling the hard drive size would be more worth it. "Maybe you'll see something a little bit later," he teased, with Sony's PR department later deeming it "rumour and speculation".

A bigger hard drive SKU this summer wouldn't come as much of a surprise, considering that the inevitably data-hungry Play TV will launch later this year.

A summer release might also line up nicely for a possible Metal Gear bundle - out June 12 - or for storing levels in LittleBigPlanet when that lands later in the year. Could there be a GTA IV bundle planned for further down the line? You'll know when we do.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Hands-on

April 2, 2008 - Three weeks ago, Konami extended a once in a lifetime invitation to a handful of journalists.. Fourteen people from around the world gathered together at the Konami Super Campus in Nasu to experience one of the most anticipated titles in recent history, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots in a specialized boot camp for the game. We weren't simply shown snippets of levels or gameplay demos; instead, we were sequestered for three days at their facility for two specific tasks. The first task was that we were to play through the entire title from start to finish with the Konami team gathering our stats and play information as we progressed.

The second task was much more important, because at the end of every gameplay session, we were asked to provide detailed feedback, which would be given to the development team to make adjustments to the final build of the title. We weren't alone in experiencing the game in this way; Kojima himself was replaying the title at the same time we were, going through the same gameplay sections and feedback tasks as we were. In effect, we became part of the design team. As I stated earlier, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, especially for any Metal Gear Solid fan. Not only were we getting a chance to complete the game before anyone else, but we were making an impact on the overall game that will launch worldwide on June 12th.

The final chapter in the 20-year franchise that constantly redefined the stealth action genre, Metal Gear Solid 4 brings Solid Snake back out of the shadows for one final mission to eliminate his nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. But, like every other Metal Gear Solid game, there's much more going on than a simple assassination. I certainly won't spoil the plot points or the story here; there is only so much that I'm allowed to talk about, after all. Instead, I will go into more detail on a section we've previously covered: the Middle East area that Snake has infiltrated in released trailers or demos.

But let me first preface that statement with one new piece of info that we hadn't previously known. Whereas previous Metal Gear Solid games have been relatively linear in their approach, MGS4 is much more of an open-world affair. While there are still specific locations that Snake will need to get to (which will constantly be indicated on Snake's mini-map), the environments that he finds himself in will provide multiple paths to get him to his eventual destination. This provides much more flexibility in how you fight your way through the battlefields that engulf MGS4.

Snake will come across the horrors of war.
Snake will come across the horrors of war.
As we were told in last year's E3 trailer, war has completely changed the world. No longer is it a breakdown of diplomacy between countries – conflict has become a financial factor by itself, supporting the global economy by virtue of the PMCs that are continually moving into areas of the world and engaging in battle. In fact, battles aren't about countries any more – they're more about factions engaging other factions. Even civilians aren't safe in this new world order, as most people are simply born to fight and die, mostly without a cause or a reason to go to war. Cities are constantly shelled, buildings are blown up and every street is a battlefield. This constant conflict between nanomachine-enhanced soldiers is a significant factor within the game, and plays a huge role within your exploration of the ruined landscape of the Middle East.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Doing things in high definition takes longer. We all know that. The average car in Gran Turismo 4 was made up of over 4,000 polygons. The figure for GT5 Prologue is meant to be higher than 200,000. Being pretty goes a long way, but with 71 cars and just six tracks (High Speed Ring, Daytona, Fuji Speedway, Eiger Nordwand from Gran Turismo HD Concept, Suzuka Circuit and a section of central London), it will have to go a very long way, right? That's not a lot of content, even when you factor in a second variation of each track. GT4 had 721 cars. GT5 Prologue launches in Europe with 71. We may be 11 million polygons ahead, but we're 650 cars behind.

Fortunately, Prologue does a lot with the means at its disposal. 30 race events are split evenly across three classes. Initially you're hauling cheap Suzukis and Hondas to the front of 8 to 12-car packs for two or three laps, reinvesting the prize purse in faster cars. As the field thickens with Skylines, Imprezas, Mustangs and Ford GTs, you're asked to go further, the AI pushing you harder.

Complete A-Class and you unlock a Quick Tune feature - new for the European Prologue - that lets you adjust weight ratios, aerodynamics, ride heights, camber angles, torque balance, gear ratios and other performance-related settings, with your work graded against a performance index. You can make real-time performance adjustments during races by assigning custom configurations to buttons on the Sixaxis or Driving Force GT wheel, and a further run of ten S-Class events specifically for tuned cars pushes you harder still, penalising you for ramming or taking shortcuts, in a field of 16 cars just as if not more tricked out than yours. Even if you coast through A-Class, S-Class will force you to regroup and work out what all the dials do.

'Gran Turismo 5 Prologue' Screenshot 1

When you buy a car, it drives out of the dark toward you and brakes suddenly as threatening music plays. Nobody tell Audi's ads company.

To get that far takes over a dozen hours, and you probably have fewer cars than that in your garage when you do. You can also race in Manufacturer-specific races, hidden away in the Dealership screens, for extra credits. Then there's Arcade mode, where you can tackle any of the game's tracks in whichever configuration you like, with any vehicle, either as a one-off race, a Time Trial, or a Drift Trial. Drift Trial is what kept us picking away at Gran Turismo HD Concept for so long, throwing the back out around Eiger Nordwand and watching videos of scarily dedicated Japanese gamers doing the same thing more effectively on YouTube and trying to copy them. Now you can do it with far more cars, and a range of tuning options, on six tracks. Also new to the European Prologue is two-player, horizontal split-screen racing, which works without any obvious dip in performance.

On the track, those 200,000 polygons glide through turns at 60 frames-per-second, a few slight dips excepted, in the promised 1080p resolution. A lot of them must have gone into the car interior, from where you can now view the action if you prefer, watching your driver's gloved hands gently correcting slides and reaching for the gear-stick, and looking over your shoulder past stupidly accurate rear spoilers. The weather is consistently bright and cheery, limiting track conditions but allowing you to gawp at reflections crawling realistically over the bodywork of cars ahead of you and in your mirrors. As you steer and brake through the first corner at Suzuka, the shadows move across your dashboard and body, and as you exit the tunnel on High Speed Ring the sunshine blinds you until the detail emerges from the glare.

'Gran Turismo 5 Prologue' Screenshot 2
Event mode consists of races as well as the odd time trial or overlap challenge.

GT's visuals are sometimes accused of lacking personality - a perception reinforced by its robotic artificial intelligence. On the latter point, rolling starts do away with your ability to bully opponents out of the way on the first corner, although the cars remain completely invincible, so it's still an annoyingly useful tactic unless the foul-play penalties are active to throttle you back for a few seconds when you misbehave. On the whole though opposition defends the racing line more aggressively, and the combination of high speeds and unforgiving physics mean it's impractical to block using your rear-view. As for personality, few mainstream racing games - Forza now excepted - demand as much braking skill and obedience to the racing line.


When you use upper cases when writing posts on online forums, blogs or even messages in instant messengers, it is interpreted as an equivalent of a shout or that person is actually shouting at you. So do you think that it was a good move on Sony's part to have PLAYSTATION 3 as the official spelling for their new console?

Reports have it that Sony is getting a little concerned that most are writing the console's name as "Playstation" as opposed to "PlayStation" so they came up with this solution of just having everything in upper case. While browsing through the official site, only the PLAYSTATION 3 experienced spelling changes, because PlayStation 2 is still as it is. Well maybe it's their sublime way of telling us that their next-gen console is really something BIG. Sony should worry not - we already do and come November we'll give you first hand dibs on how BIG and powerful this piece of hardware heaven really is.

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